“I AM” Series: Deeper Dive

patamoSermon Extras

Here are some supplemental resources you might want to use to dig a little deeper into the Gospel of as we go through our “I AM” series:

1. NIV Commentary on the Gospel of John

2. The John MacArthur Commentary of the Gospel of John (2 volumes)

  • *Note: The information contained in the MacArthur commentaries is largely from his sermons. You can find transcripts of Dr. MacArtur’s sermons online for free. His sermons for the Gospel of John can be found HERE.

3. The Pillar Commentary on the Gospel of John

4. Baker Exegetical Commentary on the Gospel of John

5. Believer’s Bible Church Commentary on the Gospel of John

  • *This is commentary is from the Mennonite tradition.

6. Sacra Pagina Commentary of the Gospel of John

  • *This is a commentary from the Catholic tradition

7. Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes: Cultural Studies in the Gospels

8. Jesus in the Present Tense: The I AM Statements of Christ